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Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Merry Christmas, etc.

Coronation Street Weekly Update, Dec 14 2009

This week the update comes for the last time in two weeks.
Joe McElderry is not a Geordie

Just as Lauren Laverne isn't a Geordie, neither is Joe. Lauren hails from Sunderland which makes her a Mackem and Joe hails from South Shields which makes him a Sandancer. So there you have it. Any more questions?
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Homeward bound

My regular readers (hello mum) will know I've had this love/hate thing going on with the big city ever since I moved down here in 2001. I've moaned about it often enough on the blog. And yes, there's been joy and excitement about living in London mixed in with the moans, but after eight and a half years of living in the smoke, some time in 2010 I'll be heading back north, to home. We both are, my lovely man and I.
And so, it's with a huge amount of relief that I can finally blow off the air-kissers and their meaningless cheek to cheek mwah-mwahs. I'm calling time on the people who say: "I'll call you!", "We must do lunch!", "Let's get together some time!" when they don't mean a word. I won't ever get excited again when media people tell me I'm 'sensational'. It's just a language they use and one I misunderstood, like a foreigner, lost, with the wrong phrase book.
I'll miss things, of course. I'll miss The Women's Library and their absolutely fantastic events and walks. I'll miss the Royal Festival Hall for its inclusiveness and egg mayo sarnies, a public building that has always made me feel welcome when I've often felt lost. I'll miss concerts and gigs and dancing in the park. I'll miss diversity and acceptance. And I'll miss people I've made friends with, but not as much as I've missed every single family member in the time I've lived away.
I've been ready to leave London for years. In the time I've lived here, I've fallen out of love with the big city twice for reasons too personal to blog. And now I'm looking forward, looking northwards - to family, friends, fresh air and fields, sea-views and space. To home.
Tuesday, December 08, 2009
Coronation Street Weekly Update, Dec 7 2009

This week the update comes with Santa Claus feeling sorry for his elf.
Tuesday, December 01, 2009
Coronation Street Weekly Update, Nov 30 2009

This week the update comes with a cushion to hide behind while watching the sicky-love scenes between Molly and Kev.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
London bus

When they're not sitting on the outside seat, covering the seat by the window with their bag and being unsocial about letting anyone else sit there, then they're all squashed up together on the bottom deck when there's loads of empty seats upstairs. And no one says thank you to the driver, either. No one.
Morrissey and me

Me too, mate. Me too.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Coronation Street Weekly Update, Nov 23 2009

This week the update comes with Roy Cropper, super-hero.
Picture courtesy of: MontyBon
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Strictly Come Dancing

Christmas - yes or no (v.3)

And because I've been through this routine before, I know it'll change come mid-December when the Christmas Radio Times is in the shops and all will be well with the world. Just you wait and see. I'll even come back and blog it.
Strange fruit

It looks gorgeous, doesn't it, with its fluroescent pink skin and dragon-like scales? I had to look on th'internet to find out whether I should eat it or frame it. 'Cut the top off and scoop out the seeds' was the web advice received and followed. And the taste? Disappointing, to be honest. It had the texture of melon, white flesh with hundreds of tiny black seeds and tasted quite bland. Next time I see a mountain of weird goodies in Morrisons, I'll keep that £1.50 tightly in my hand. Or spend it on choc.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Coronation Street Weekly Update, Nov 16 2009

This week the update comes with such devoted sisters.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Coronation Street Weekly Update, November 9 '09

This week the update comes with Deirdre Barlow's cheese straws.
Saturday, November 07, 2009
Almost well
Thanks to everyone who's been asking how I am. If 100% is totally well and how I was before the illness started back in August, then I reckon I'm hovering around 81.3% now. I'm still not right and haven't had so much as a sniff of red wine since August 28th. Not that I'm counting the days or anything.

So while I'm not quite back to being:

I am definitely on the mend and feeling much better than this:

Wednesday, November 04, 2009
The year of the flood

Kissing in emails
Tuesday, November 03, 2009
Coronation Street Weekly Update, November 2 '09

This week the update comes with wishy-washy liberalism of the Ken Barlow kind.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Night mares

But I digress.
Last time I had a dream about a horse, this happened. And in my dream this week, the most vivid for months and I can recall every detail, I was riding the horse through country lanes where I came upon Bernard Cribbins and a packet of custard creams.
Yes, but what does it all mean?
Coronation Street Weekly Update, October 26 '09

This week the update comes with Miss Scarlett in the living room with the candlestick.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Yorkshire Puddings
Saturday, October 24, 2009
New hair, New me/ME

Anyway, I'm on the mend now, back at work part-time for a further two weeks until recovery is complete. The GP says it's Post-Viral Syndrome so of course the first thing I did was Google when I came home from the surgery. Post-Viral Syndrome is also called Chronic Fatigue Sydrome, better known as M.E. It's a slow recovery; let's just say it seems like it'll be a long time before I run to catch a bus again.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Go Compare! Go Compare!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Favourite fruit
Sky Arts

Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Coronation Street Weekly Update, October 19 '09

This week the update comes with a lame donkey and healing hands.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Autumn in the garden
Some wonderful pictures taken today of the turning of the leaves in our garden as autumn sets in.
And summer flowers still bloom.
And the birds haven't nicked all of the grapes.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Julie Walters autobiography
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Coronation Street Weekly Update, October 12 2009

This week the update comes with Tequlia and Teresa.
Friday, October 09, 2009
Perfect face for radio

Yikes. I'm being interviewed on the wireless by BBC Radio 5 Live on Tuesday 13th October at 7am. They're broadcasting from the Coronation Street set and want to speak to a Corrie fan which is where I come in. They're sending a radio car and everything. Now that'll have the neighbours talking.
Treacle treat
So, what's a girl to do when she's been sick for weeks, is finally on the mend and wants to treat herself before she returns to the office on Monday?
Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Exhibit A:
Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Exhibit A:

Smothered in Exhibit B:
Wednesday, October 07, 2009
Beer groggles

When I get well I am looking forward to enjoying one of these.
Virusus R Us

The cure, the doc keeps telling me every time I turn up at her surgery in a state of distress, is to rest. But I've rested until a girl can rest no more and still I'm suffering burning pains all over my body and a temperature so high it makes my forehead hot enough to fry an egg on. I know because I've tried. Oh, and my legs wobble when I stand. And yes, I've had a blood test which turned out fine.
Is there a doctor in the blog?
Anyway, books I've read while off work sick include Mystery Man by Colin Bateman which was very funny and had me chuckling on the sofa. And Flying Under Bridges by Sandi Toksvig which wasn't as funny as I'd hoped and expected but very good all the same.
I'm heading back to the health centre tomorrow to get the once-over from matron. Will blog again as and when.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Au Revoir, but not Goodbye

bye for now
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
See-saw sick

Mark Radcliffe: Thank You For The Days

Radcliffe comes across as a really nice bloke in a book full of chapters with snappy titles such as: The Day I Met Tony Blair's Teeth and The Day I Bought Flowers for Kylie. A good read and I recommend it.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Farewell, Loose Women

Monday, September 14, 2009
Filthy sick

So, the swine flu went after a course of Tamiflu but it's left me with a virus that's causing burning in my head, neck and back, a high temperature, rash and a filthy mood. Apart from the GP (twice) and A&E at th'ospital (once) I've not been across the doors in almost three weeks. I want to be well but it's all I can do to sit at the computer and moan.
Tuesday, September 08, 2009
Pig sick

This is my first day out of bed in a few days and the fact that I'm up and blogging, emailing and catching up is a sign of recovery, I hope.
However, we've had to cancel our two week annual jollies to Spain, which we've had booked for months, to a very special place to celebrate a special anniversary for my lovely man and I. Needless to say, we're both fed up.
It's only the second time in my life I've had to cancel a holiday due to not being well. The first time was as a kid when my brothers and I all caught chicken pox at the same time. My parents cancelled our annual fortnight to Gorleston-on-Sea and once we'd recovered, they took us on a last minute booking to Walton-on-the-Naze. I've never been back.
Wednesday, September 02, 2009
Coronation Street Weekly Update, August 31 2009

This week the update comes with a Blanche Hunt classic.
Monday, August 31, 2009
The Best of Everything

Thursday, August 27, 2009
Magnum P.I, why-aye

However, the one good thing about being confined to the sofa with the TV remote in one hand and a Lemsip in the other is the joy you can find on Sky TV.
Ah, be still my beating heart.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Top 10 things to do in London
Now that I've lived in London for over eight years, I feel I can blog with some authority on the city, don't you think? So if you're planning a trip to the capital, here's my top 10 favourite things to do in that London.
1. The London Eye. I've been on it four times, even though I'm scared of heights.
2. Sir John Soane's Museum. A hidden gem in Holborn and it's free.
3. Borough Market. Get there early before the tourists.
4. Ride the Thames in a London Duck.
5. Sit on Kirsty MacColl's bench in Soho Square.
6. Royal Festival Hall. My favourite building in London, followed by a walk along the Southbank.
7. London Transport Museum will release your inner tube-driver.
8. Imperial War Museum has some fantastic tanks. Yes, really.
9. Churchill Museum and Cabinet war rooms. A sobering experience.
10. Saint Clement Danes Church. Turn up at 12 noon and the bells really do chime Oranges and Lemons.
And now for some tips. Do yourself a favour and avoid the over-priced scrums of Oxford Street and Covent Garden. And if you're not 17 don't go to Camden Market, you'll just feel un-hip and sad. Oh, and never say you want to see Big Ben. You can't see Big Ben because that's the name of the Great Bell inside St Stephen's Tower, which is what you can see.
And finally, some things which you think might be over-priced and naff but are still worth doing - a river cruise and an open-top bus tour.

2. Sir John Soane's Museum. A hidden gem in Holborn and it's free.
3. Borough Market. Get there early before the tourists.
4. Ride the Thames in a London Duck.
5. Sit on Kirsty MacColl's bench in Soho Square.
6. Royal Festival Hall. My favourite building in London, followed by a walk along the Southbank.
7. London Transport Museum will release your inner tube-driver.
8. Imperial War Museum has some fantastic tanks. Yes, really.
9. Churchill Museum and Cabinet war rooms. A sobering experience.
10. Saint Clement Danes Church. Turn up at 12 noon and the bells really do chime Oranges and Lemons.

And finally, some things which you think might be over-priced and naff but are still worth doing - a river cruise and an open-top bus tour.
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