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Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Coronation Street Weekly Update
I've been writing Coronation Street weekly updates since 1995 and this week's Coronation Street update has just gone live here.
This week the update comes with a review of a disappointing Christmas on Corrie.

Monday, December 29, 2008
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Merry Christmas
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Coronation Street Weekly Update

This week the update is the last one of the year.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
I said no, no, no

First off came a flattering offer of writing for a well known telly blog that I like and read often - and getting paid for it - but I said no. I've had enough of blogging for cash after doing Corrieblog for two years. And then came an offer from an international company asking if they could give me cash in exchange for ad space on my Coronation Street blog. Again, I said no. I'm blogging for no-one but myself these days and that's the way I like it.

Last night watching Look North via the magic of Sky TV in London, there was an article about a mysterious black cat roaming a forest up north. Anyway, the reporter interviewed a fella who said things may not be as they seem, it might not have been a big cat in the forest after all. He went on to qualify this by saying: "One time, I followed what I thought was an otter for miles along the river, miles, but it turned out to be a cardigan." You couldn't make it up.
Virtual puppy love

If I don't log on every day to feed and water it, it wilts and dies. Not only that, I have Facebook, er, friends, emailing me and poking me that my puppy's not well. What's a girl to do? There's too much emotion involved, it's virtual blackmail. I wish I'd never started with the blinkin' thing now.
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
Coronation Street Weekly Update

This week the update comes with Magnum, P.I.
Sunday, December 07, 2008

And for years I thought pantechnicon meant a large removal lorry, which of course it does. But this weekend I saw the original pantechnicon. It's a building in Belgravia (one of the poshest bits of London) that is called The Pantechnicon and was built for posh people to store their posh things in, hundreds of posh years ago (*).
The lorries which carried the goods into and out of storage from the building became known as pantechnicons. I know, great eh? Anyway, that was one of the many highlights on the Upstairs Downstairs walk of Belgravia I did this weekend with The Women's Libary in London. So as well as getting to walk around a posh bit of London I'd never normally visit, I learned one heck of a lot.
(*) The building now houses a posh people's bank and a Starbucks. Boo, hiss.
Monday, December 01, 2008
Coronation Street Weekly Update

This week the update comes with Teddy Sheringham's Christmas balls.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Christmas - Yes or No? (v.2)

I've bought presents. I've bought cards. I've bought train tickets up north. And this coming weekend the tree goes up and the fairy lights switched on in our kitchen.

PS: If anyone can tell me why this blog's stat-counter is going into overdrive with hits to this Olive post, I'd love to find out. Leave a comment below, go on, you know you want to. And while you're here, why not take a look at my Coronation Street Blog - it's fab.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Coronation Street Weekly Update

This week the update comes complete with an incomplete Minnie Caldwell quote.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Between the Covers

And when the ex-editor of Spare Rib turns up to give a lecture, well, Saturdays in November don't come much better.
For my life in women's magazines, have a look here.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Coronation Street Weekly Update

This week the update comes with Cliff Richard.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Mrs Peel
Quantum of Solace

My lovely man said he felt neither shaken nor stirred by the movie, and I felt it could have been improved if Daniel Craig had appeared in his pants again. As he didn't, here's a picture from his last James Bond film instead.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Coronation Street Weekly Update

This week the update comes with Corrie's cutest ever kid.
Sunday, November 09, 2008
Christmas - Yes or No?

Maybe I just need to hear Slade to get me in the festive mood?
Join the Jeff Stelling fan club
One of the many joys of watching Sky Sports 1 on a Saturday as the footy results come pouring in all afternoon, is lusting after Jeff Stelling. He looks like the sort of man who would wear expensive aftershave and smell nice.
Did you know there's a Jeff Stelling fan club? There is.
Charity circle

It seems only fair that I take my riches and desposit them in the British Heart Foundation charity shop tin next time I'm in Harrogate. The charity circle will then be complete.
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
The Man Who Fell Asleep

So if you're travelling by tube and there's a woman sitting next to you stifling a guffaw, that's me. It's the funniest thing I've read in ages.
Coronation Street Weekly Update

This week the update comes with a chucky egg.
Sunday, November 02, 2008
November in the garden
Planted over 100 bulbs, raked the leaves for compost, chased the squirrels and filled up the bird feeder. Glorious autumn days like this are few and far between and although the garden's dying down for the winter, there's bags of colour still.

Saturday, November 01, 2008
Roddy Doyle
Thursday, October 30, 2008

Eurobeat, where Winning is Everything, is excellent fun and comes highly recommended, especially after a few drinks. Les Dennis and Mel Giedroyc (from Mel and Sue) are hosts for the evening all the way from Sarajevo. Terry Wogan even appears too.
So buy your ticket then grab your badge, flag and don't forget your clackers. It's daft but good.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Coronation Street Weekly Update

This week the update remembers Lucy, the dithering florist.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Amen for Amelia Jane
Boots, shoes and the B52s

Yes, the B52s really are being used to advertise Clarks Shoes.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Blogging the Lord

Monday, October 20, 2008
Coronation Street Weekly Update

This week the update comes with a packet of HobNobs and Heat magazine.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Oi! You! Stop nicking my blog posts

It's no longer flattering and if it doesn't stop soon I will publicly embarass the blogger online because blogging another person's ideas - especially when they're getting paid for their blog posts - just isn't fair.
I rather hoped this person would have had more intelligence and creativity not to nick my ideas.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Strictly Come Dancing
I always wanted a sister but ended up with two brothers. However, that means I've got two wonderful sisters-in-law so I'm not complaining, I'm just saying, you know.
But if I could have an honorary sister, It'd have to be dancer Karen Hardy from Strictly Come Dancing. She's fab. We could do each other's hair, nails, make up and then I could show her how to string a blog post together and she could teach me how to dance.
But if I could have an honorary sister, It'd have to be dancer Karen Hardy from Strictly Come Dancing. She's fab. We could do each other's hair, nails, make up and then I could show her how to string a blog post together and she could teach me how to dance.
Rose Tremain: The Road Home

It's about an outsider coming to London. I know just how he feels.
Still Looking North

It's like coming home and putting a pair of comfy slippers on to be met by old friends on the telly. And it stops me getting too homesick.
Karaoke Kylie

My fella looked at the bloke whose music was, er, brightening up the carriage.
"Strange," he said. "He doesn't look much like a Kylie fan."
"Neither do you," I reminded him.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Coronation Street Weekly Update

This week the update isn't impressed by Corrie's murder week but is loving Becky Grainger.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Alan Aykbourne

Amazing art adventure
Being a tourist when you live in London is a must otherwise it's too easy to forget why you live here. Of course, when I say you, I mean me. Anyway, my lovely man and I had a special day off work together last week when we went a bit art mad.
First to the Royal Festival Hall to see the Koestler Award 2008. Amazing art by offenders and the highlight of my day. A free exhibition highly recommended.

Then to the Hayward Gallery to see Andy Warhol which wasn't free and I only recommend if you're a huge fan of his work. If you're hoping to see screenprints of Marilyn and soup cans, they're there but some of his better stuff like the Judy Garland we stumbled across in Portugal this summer, wasn't. There was also something else going on in the Hayward but it didn't do much for me so I won't give it a plug.
Then t'Tate for Rothko at a whopping £12.50 each. A room full of big pictures that your eyes want to make sense of and your mind wants to sink into isn't done justice when said room is full of gawping tourists and crying babies.
So if you want to do just one art thing in London in the coming weeks, head to the Royal Festival Hall for the best (and free) exhibition I've seen in a long time.
Thursday, October 09, 2008
Lauren Laverne is a Mackem

Facing up to Facebook

Real friends were on it, people I hadn't seen in years were on it but still, I resisted. But now, I've crumbled. Yes, my name is Flaming Nora (*) and I am on Facebook.
(*) It's not really.

I also saw Victoria Wood walking past Selfridges. She was in disguise but the big, dark glasses couldn't hide the fact that it was definitely her.
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
Grand Central
If you've been following this blog for a while, you'll know that I'm fond of train travel (exhibits A, B and C) but not so keen on the tube (A, B and C).
Anyway, ever since I moved to London over seven years ago there's been talk of a rail link from Sunderland direct to London without the inconvenience of changing at Newcastle. I waited months, years, and have now been on my first rail journey from that London to up north in one easy swoop courtesy of Grand Central trains. There's only three trains a day at the moment, bless them, but they're friendly and cheap and best of all, go straight from where you are to where you want to be without having to go through that place where no self respecting Mackem ever wants to lay foot. Thank you very much, Grand Central trains. I'll be using you again.
Anyway, ever since I moved to London over seven years ago there's been talk of a rail link from Sunderland direct to London without the inconvenience of changing at Newcastle. I waited months, years, and have now been on my first rail journey from that London to up north in one easy swoop courtesy of Grand Central trains. There's only three trains a day at the moment, bless them, but they're friendly and cheap and best of all, go straight from where you are to where you want to be without having to go through that place where no self respecting Mackem ever wants to lay foot. Thank you very much, Grand Central trains. I'll be using you again.
Coronation Street Weekly Update

This week the update wonders where Weatherfield Barbie's gone.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Summer Jollies 2008
Bare Faced Lies and Boogie Woogie Boasts by Jools Holland
A great autobiography of one of the nicest men in the music biz. There wasn't enough scandal or gossip, though. 8/10.
Michael Tolliver Lives by Armistead Maupin
If you were in Portugal and saw a lady of a certain age in tears as she turned the last page of this book, that was me. A fantastic read. 10/10
The Importance of Music to Girls by Lavinia Greenlaw
An autobiography of an ordinary girl written through the music soundtrack to her life. Interesting but not great with a cover that promised more than the book delivered. 7/10
What Was Lost by Catherine O'Flynn
A fantastic first novel and well deserved winner of the Costa award. Highly recommended even if it did take two days and a nightmare to get over it. 9/10
45 by Bill Drummond
What's not to enjoy in the autobiography of the lead singer of the KLF and the guy who burned a million quid? A wonderful read with more gossip than Jools Holland dished out in his book. 9/10
Spook Country by William Gibson
The godfather of cyberpunk does it again. His female heroines are the best. A cracking story, loved it to bits. "A masterpiece" said the Guardian review. I agree. 9.5/10
Worldwide Adventures in Love by Louise Wener
The author was the lead singer with Sleeper and she's now a cracking novellist. Her finest to date, it had me in bits at the end. 9/10
The Paradise Trail by Duncan Campbell
The author is a Guardian journalist and this is his first novel. I started reading this story about hippies, journalists and murder on the plane journey home and so far, so very good indeed. Looks set to be at least 8.5/10.
Friday, September 12, 2008
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