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Sunday, October 19, 2008

Oi! You! Stop nicking my blog posts

There's a person online who is making me peeved. It's been going on for months and when it started, I blogged about it in a poem right here.

It's no longer flattering and if it doesn't stop soon I will publicly embarass the blogger online because blogging another person's ideas - especially when they're getting paid for their blog posts - just isn't fair.

I rather hoped this person would have had more intelligence and creativity not to nick my ideas.


Annie Wicking said...

wow I didn't know people could steal your blog ideas..

I'm glad I dropped by...

Best wishes and good luck with your novel.


Glenda Young said...

I know, it's an odd one Annie. There is a blogger out there who seems intent on checking one of my two blogs, seeing what's on there and then taking that idea and running with it elsewhere, for payment. It's hardly creative on their part and shows how untalented they are but it makes me peeved. Oh yes, peeved.

The novel is finished but at a standstill. I might go back to it in the future, we'll see...

Sky Clearbrook said...

I think you're being much too diplomatic, Nora. Go on... let's have a good old name-and-shame!

Steve said...

I agree with Sky. Stick em in the stocks so we can all throw rotten veg at them. "Plagiarist" is just a nice polite term for thieving scum. And I'm being charitable.

Glenda Young said...

The thing is, I like this person. I just hope she's reading this - as I know she reads the blog - and takes note. If not, as emails to the blogging company are going ignored, then I'll go public everywhere I can. 'Snot fair.

Sky Clearbrook said...

Has the thief taken the hint yet, or is it still going on?

Glenda Young said...

It's still going on. It's happened again today.

Anonymous said...

She's lucky you don't go directly to the people who pay her (for your work) and have her done for plagiarism. It's more than not fair. It's a legal matter if she's getting paid for it and passing her ideas off as her own. This is outrageous!
If you don't want to dob her, please let me do it - is wrong wrong wrong of her. No two ways about it.

Glenda Young said...

hi Emma, the thing is, it's not plagairism. She sees my blog (and it's not this one, it's my Coronation Street one) and she must think "ooh, that's a good idea" and then puts it in her own words on another blog that ryhmes with Coppieblog.

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