Well, I'm here again. I'm still not back to full health and still off work on the sick but am going to attempt another return next week. The doc says it's a virus which I'm beginning to think is med-speak for: "We haven't got a clue, dear".
The cure, the doc keeps telling me every time I turn up at her surgery in a state of distress, is to rest. But I've rested until a girl can rest no more and still I'm suffering burning pains all over my body and a temperature so high it makes my forehead hot enough to fry an egg on. I know because I've tried. Oh, and my legs wobble when I stand. And yes, I've had a blood test which turned out fine.
Is there a doctor in the blog?
Anyway, books I've read while off work sick include
Mystery Man by Colin Bateman which was very funny and had me chuckling on the sofa. And
Flying Under Bridges by Sandi Toksvig which wasn't as funny as I'd hoped and expected but very good all the same.
I'm heading back to the health centre tomorrow to get the once-over from matron. Will blog again as and when.