When people say 'Christmas' you immediately think

Plans for this Christmas
Is Christmas your favourite holiday? I love it but I love summer hols in Spain more

And now, with the power vested in me, I hereby do tag: Kaz, Trina, Tvor and Geoff
'Such a good writer. She's fantastic!' Woman's Hour, BBC Radio 4
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Ah so i have to do this on my blog? except my blog is strictly corrie related. I might do it on my livejournal instead. :)
Hi Tvor, only do it if you'd like to :-) Sorry, I didn't have your livejournal URL.
Lovely list, Nora. Now start your novel! The only regret I have about starting mine is that I didn't do it a darn sight earlier...
Thanks for responding Nora - really like the way you've used a photo for each "point"! Wish I'd thought of that (actually maybe I did but I was just too darned lazy to upload any photos).
I think your pic of the tree, festooned with pressies, sums it all up. Certainly for a lot of people anyway.
Tiny Tears! Yeeeuch! I was more a Star Wars figures and Dr Who toys person. You'd never guess I was male, would you?
Good choice of fave Xmas song, quite why they have removed those WORDS from it on Radio 1 I don't know. Poor old Kirsty will be turning in her grave...
The hiiiiiiils are aliiiiivee! Wonderful. Are they showing it this year? My favourite line in that was not one spoken by either Julie Andrews or Christopher Plummer but a bit-part servant: "More strudel, herr?"
Favourite Xmas character. Aaah. But hang on, to term Father Xmas a "character" surely implies he's fictional and doesn't really exist? Say it isn't so!
I like snow too, but not when I'm standing it in at the bus stop, freezing my proverbials off...I think I preferred it much more as a kiddie - it all seemed so much more fun then!
So you're travelling back in time to have an olde-type Christmas? Nice!
I can see your point in wanting to be somewhere like Spain. Spending Xmas in a freezing cold country is, I am realising increasingly, very overrated.
Thanks again and have a good 'un, chuck!
OC x
And sorry that I (temporarily) nipped your novel writing plans in the bud!
But you've no excuse now - GET ON WITH IT!!
Of course you may just be permitted to have a little Xmas break...
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