There's nothing about Christmas I don't like, unlike my mate Sky over at Avenues and Alleyways who's having a grumble about the festive season. What's not to like? There's pressie giving and receiving, drinking and eating, meeting up with friends and family, great stuff on telly and almost two weeks off work. Need I say more? I love Christmas, me.
I too enjoy Christmas on the whole, for very similar reasons to the ones you give. But I can also understand Sky's point of view - the real meaning of Xmas has been lost. How many of us really stop and think hard about the significance of Christ's birth and so on? I was baptised as an Anglican but haven't been to church or worshipped for years. Naughty, naughty me.
Although I guess if you're not a believer then Xmas is going to have less impact on you, anyway ...
I love Christmas too but really loathe all the "we're so crazy and busy and it's all so stressful and it's all up to me, me, me!!" attitude. I am fairly new to this blogging malarkey so do not know if it is rude to refer to your own blog which deals with similar stuff. Well, I'll risk being rude so if you want to read more go to www.anewtake.blogspot.com where comments are welcome. By the way, love the cheesey US Christmas photo of yesteryear. I really wanted one of those toy cookers and never got one. Got a toy twin tub though. Ah, the 60s....
Is that you in the picture? You look so cute!
No, it's not a picture of me. I'm too cute to blog. Actually, in truth it's more that I blog "so much" about myself but there's a line I won't cross and put anything truly personal online. Or do I? Hmmm....
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