My regular readers (hello mum) will know I've had this love/hate thing going on with the big city ever since I moved down here in 2001. I've moaned about it often enough on the blog. And yes, there's been joy and excitement about living in London mixed in with the moans, but after eight and a half years of living in the smoke, some time in 2010 I'll be heading back north, to home. We both are, my lovely man and I.
And so, it's with a huge amount of relief that I can finally blow off the air-kissers and their meaningless cheek to cheek mwah-mwahs. I'm calling time on the people who say: "I'll call you!", "We must do lunch!", "Let's get together some time!" when they don't mean a word. I won't ever get excited again when media people tell me I'm 'sensational'. It's just a language they use and one I misunderstood, like a foreigner, lost, with the wrong phrase book.
I'll miss things, of course. I'll miss The Women's Library and their absolutely fantastic events and walks. I'll miss the Royal Festival Hall for its inclusiveness and egg mayo sarnies, a public building that has always made me feel welcome when I've often felt lost. I'll miss concerts and gigs and dancing in the park. I'll miss diversity and acceptance. And I'll miss people I've made friends with, but not as much as I've missed every single family member in the time I've lived away.
I've been ready to leave London for years. In the time I've lived here, I've fallen out of love with the big city twice for reasons too personal to blog. And now I'm looking forward, looking northwards - to family, friends, fresh air and fields, sea-views and space. To home.
Wonderful news. I'm really pleased for you - your joy shines through. What a lovely Christmas present to yourself.
And you can always treat yourself to a weekend in the Smoke for a concert at the Festival Hall or a special gallery opening. Or to meet up with friends (ahem). How long is the drive from Manchester to your northern home, btw?
Good on you, you sound really happy
Woh. Quite a major announcement there! And yet, in another way I´m not surprised atall, Nora, judging by all the other things you said about London in the past, so I guess it was a long time coming. I can totally relate to what you are saying...so good for you! And like someone said here, as a tourist you have a much more different perspective on London than if you live here...
Oh bloody 'ell Nora, now you've made me all homesick. Just get a nice place with agooseberry bush in the garden and enough space for a z-bed and I'll come visit yer.
I v.v happy for you.
Great news! I've always found London great for a day or two's visit, but to compare it with the North?! I mean, what's not to like: we've got Weardale and Teesdale, we've got the Lakes just a short drive over the Pennines, we've got the vibrant city life of Newcastle, we've got the stunning Northumberland coast...and we've got the daftest but friendliest people in the world all around us. Welcome home!!
and were only an hour away from many happy outings to Scarborough xxx see u sat xxx
Congratulations! I am really pleased for you ... I only lasted in London for 5 years. It was interesting, but I certainly was happy to leave! By the way, I´m an ex-Lancashire Lass now living in the Brasilian Amazon and I still read your blogs even though I can't watch Corrie. All the best and good luck with your move.
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