I'm a sucker for product placement, me. Walked into Morrisons last week when we did the weekly shop and they had a moutain of these weird looking things at the front of the fruit and veg. Apparently it's a dragon fruit and as I'd never had one before, the mountain called to this gullible shopper and I bought one with £1.50 of my hard-earned cash.
It looks gorgeous, doesn't it, with its fluroescent pink skin and dragon-like scales? I had to look on th'internet to find out whether I should eat it or frame it. 'Cut the top off and scoop out the seeds' was the web advice received and followed. And the taste? Disappointing, to be honest. It had the texture of melon, white flesh with hundreds of tiny black seeds and tasted quite bland. Next time I see a mountain of weird goodies in Morrisons, I'll keep that £1.50 tightly in my hand. Or spend it on choc.