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Monday, November 28, 2011

Balls to Christmas

It's that time of year so I shouldn't be too surprised that I've gone through it again. I blog about it every year too.

In Mid-November I have a hissy fit and go into bah-humbug mode about not wanting to get caught up in the commercialism and cynicism of Christmas.

And then, before you know it, it's almost December and I've done all me shopping and planning to go out and buy a tree up this weekend.

It's like I have to go through that grumpy patch to get to the good stuff. Mind you, I still hate the commercialism and could well do without it. But I do love the good stuff, the family stuff, the food and the drink stuff, the watching telly stuff, going out stuff, being off work stuff. And it's all that I'll concentrate on this Christmas, as always.

1 comment:

Tvor said...

absolutely spot on. Commercialism is bad bad bad but decorations and giving presents and spending time with family is good good good

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