Two months of toffee factory research are now done and written up. Am now about to enter the wonderful (but tricky) stage of starting to plan the first of three novels in my trilogy The Toffee Factory Girls. Wish me luck, I'm going in!
For all those asking if there'll be more Scarborough cosy crimes... this week I worked on the difficult but necessary structural edits which help make a book stronger, sharper, cleaner and better.
I was honoured this week when author E. D. Thompson wrote an article for magazine in which she mentions me a lot. Her article is a love letter to writing short fiction for women's magazines.
Well worth a read and it's here.
This week I screamed with joy when I saw the ad for Newcastle Noir in The Crack magazine. I feel like a naughty child who's creeped in to sit with the adults at the table. What a joy!
Book your tickets now.
Also this week I gave a talk at The Word in South Shields, one of my favourite buildings in the northeast. The talk was about my new novel
A Mother's Christmas Wish. It was a great evening and another chance to sign books and sell them using my little SUMUP machine, which I'm slowly getting used to!
I'll be supporting Museum Shop Sunday once again this year, which is on Sunday 27 November. I'll be in the museum shop at National Glass Centre Sunderland (time tbc) to sign books including my new novel
A Mother's Christmas Wish. Come along, it'll be a great day and there's a Christmas craft fair on too!
Elsewhere this week, my my new novel
A Mother's Christmas Wish and
The Tuppenny Child began a 99p promotion for the ebook which will last for the whole of November.

Next week is the official book launch for my new novel
A Mother's Christmas Wish. All welcome, please come and details are in the image below.
And finally, a reminder that I'll be selling and signing books at Saint Paul's church Christmas Fayre on Saturday 5 November 2022. All money will be going to Saint Paul's church by way of thanks for all the help that Rev. Chadwick gives me in researching my books. See you there!
I'm delighted to say I am now offering GIFT VOUCHERS which can be exchanged for any of my sagas or cosy crimes. Perfect Christmas presents! All details at I crafted another episode of my weekly soap opera Riverside for The People's Friend magazine. I've been writing Riverside weekly since 2016 and you can find out all about it here.
Glenda Young
Twitter: @Flaming_Nora
Facebook: GlendaYoungAuthor
Glenda Young
Twitter: @Flaming_Nora
Facebook: GlendaYoungAuthor