It's been an eventful week in which I learned new things. I like learning new things. Here are the top five things I've learned this week.
1. To a public talk given by
Stephen Whitelaw who is a Technology, Digital Marketing Consultant. The talk was organised by the
Royal Television Society (North East and the Border)
and it blew my mind. Really, it did. My brain is still broken. If you
get a chance to hear this man speak about the future of the web, go and
listen to him. And then change all your internet passwords.
At the talk I learned a new word: Nomophobia. What does it mean? Go on, Google it. On your phone.
2. For the last few months I've been regularly volunteering with Sunderland Museum and Winter Gardens. I love this museum, it's been a part of my life since before I can remember. Volunteering there is one of the
most satisfying and rewarding things I have ever done in my life. This week I was given a project to undertake, the start of which is to revitalise one of their twitter accounts which had lain dormant for some time. I am now
@WallaceTheLion1 which means I get to follow people online and roar at them.
I learned that I like to roar.
3. To the flicks to see the new James Bond film, Spectre. En route to the cinema we called into Sweet Home Alabama to buy some ket to take in with us. The minimum amount of sweets they sell from a jar is 100g. I bought 100g of chocolate cremes.
I learned that while 100g of chocolate cremes is delicious, it's 30g too much for me.
4. Pears from the trees in our garden have fallen to the soil along with the leaves. I rake the leaves and keep them to make leaf mould. I throw the pears in the compost heap as there's no-one in our house who likes eating raw pears. However, we do like cooked pears so I picked the remainder of the pears and cooked up a pear tart.
I learned a new recipe.
I learned that joining a writers group was as scary as I feared it would be. The group was inspiring and friendly and I will return. I will. And I will write.
Deirdre: A Life on Coronation Street - official ITV tribute to a soap icon.
Available here.
I'm on twitter @flaming_nora