Living in London means you occasionally spot celebs when you're out at the shops. I once stood next to Richard Branson on the Piccadilly Line, only realising it was the fella himself and not a look-a-like as he had one of those leggy, generic blondes in a red Virgin outfit with him. I work near to where Ricky Gervais lives so see him all the time. In fact I see him so often, I wonder if he's stalking me. Last week I saw the fella from The Dragon's Den, Duncan Bannatyne, the one who owns the fitness clubs. I noticed his suit, which looked expensive and probably was. I even saw Pete Doherty in Habitat on Tottenham Court Road a few weeks ago. The guy has a presence about him, he's vulnerability in a hat. People were taking photos of him on their mobile phones as he flitted from lampshades to crockery. I couldn't keep my eyes off him, he made me twitch. I once passed Ruby Wax in the street. She was wearing far too much make up.